Julie McNally is an action, lifestyle and outdoor photographer who lives in Steamboat Springs, Colorado.  With each image, she brings the viewer to a specific moment in time, presenting a fresh, palpable energy. Her work displays an intimate view of modern Rocky Mountain culture; whether showcasing products, catching a spectacular night sky, or highlighting athletes in the backcountry, she absorbs the subject matter directly in front of her.  Julie’s portfolio combines her passion for high adrenaline sports with a keen study of astrophotography, landscape, and mother nature’s endless beauty.

Often published by local outlets (Steamboat Magazine, The Steamboat Visitor’s Guide) and reposted by popular social media accounts (@SteamboatResort, @SteamboatColorado, @SteamboatStickerCompany), her work is gaining traction in the community and beyond.  

Contact Julie today at Jmcnallyphoto1@gmail.com for purchasing prints, stock images, licensing and more.  She is available for hire on private projects and currently focusing on expanding her Colorado based business.  

Unauthorized use or dissemination of any original material from this website will be subject to a minimum charge of $3,000.00 per photograph, subject to owner’s discretion.